Delphi has been discontinued since November 2022.
It has been replaced by LiTouch, the most advanced and updated version, with an intuitive touchscreen interface and 5.7" LCD display. To discover more, click here!
The simplicity of Delphi combined with the practicality of the dTOUCH touch screen interface.

The DELPHI drying kiln controller has been now replaced by LITouch, which includes all its functions and much more. For this reason is not reccomended for new installations, but it is still the best solution to expand plants already based on this control system, being the TOUCH series not suitable to be connected in network with the Delphi controllers.
The user interface based on a high visibility graphic display allows simple programming even for less savvy users, as all settings are made through practical self-explanatory menus and access to the most advanced settings takes place only through dedicated menus, separated by those in common use.

Furthermore, a quick on-line help with a brief summary of the exhaustive pages of the user manual is always available by pressing a dedicated key.
In this way it was possible to limit the number of keys and indicator lights, obtaining a machine with only 6 keys and 2 LEDs.
Always with a view to maximum ease of use, the iButton system has also been adopted on this model, a practical "smart button" system that can be used to save and recall customized drying programs (in addition to the possibility of saving in the internal memory of the controller), to prevent access to programming by unauthorized persons or for software updates.
With a drying program on iButton, anyone can be able to start a drying cycle, simply by placing the button on the special reader; this method can also be used to request new programs from your service center without worrying about having to set them up, or to transfer the same program from one controller to another.
Obviously there are also many standard programs (more than 80) ready to use for numerous wood species, which can be called up from a dedicated menu and are particularly useful for novice users or without specific needs.
The DELPHI controller is compatible with LG35 / LG54 amplifiers
The amplifiers are supplied in a watertight container (IP65) and complete with connections to the probe boxes inside the kiln made with shielded cables insulated with Teflon®.
The probe boxes are made using hermetic aluminum containers and offer excellent protection against dirt inside them, a problem that affects the reliability of the measurements of many competing systems.

The DELPHI controller is based on Logica H&S's
KILNBUS technology and is therefore compatible with most of the sensors / actuators for kilns developed by Logica H&S.
It is also equipped with an additional serial interface (double standard RS232 + RS485) useful for connection to a PC for supervision (using the WoodWizard 2 software). DELPHI is divided into two very small modules: the display / command module and the power module.
This solution allows you to install the display module on the front of the electrical panel by connecting it with a single pre-assembled cable to the power section, which can be positioned inside the panel, allowing very neat wiring.
Standard configurations examples
Delphi has been discontinued since November 2022.
It has been replaced by LiTouch, the most advanced and updated version, with an intuitive touchscreen interface and 5.7" LCD display. To discover more, click here!
Measurement module
6 timber moisture probes (6-90% @ 25C, 0,1% resolution)
2 Equilibrium Moisture Content probes (4-30% @ 25C, 0,1% resolution)
2 temperature probes (0-120C, 0,1C resolution)
Auto adaptive AC measuring voltage (VAV)
Digital filter for mains noise rejection (MNR)
Digital automatic calibration
Aluminium IP65 case
Modules connection interface KILN-BUS
Power module
Relay outputs for sprayers, heating (opening + closing), flaps (opening + closing), fans, heating pump, fan extractor, alarm (max 5A sum of all output currents)
Analog output (0-5 or 0-10V) for fans speed driving, proportional control of dampers, heating valve
Inputs for feedback (flaps, heating valve, external alarm, fan protection)
Power supply: 24Vac/dc - 1A
Modules connection interface KILN-BUS/MODBUS
Control module
Visualization on an high contrast LCD graphic display
Menu based set-up
Set-up/keyboard lock/software upgrade through iButton®
Serial interface: RS232 / RS485
Modules connection interface KILN-BUS